A [go up]
- Acrobats {watching after oneself/others} SN 47.19 (fr)
- Ancient city {awakening} SN 12.65
- Animals bound together by a rope {lack of mindfulness} SN 35.206 (fr)
- Archer: {brevity of life; heedfulness} SN 20.6; archer's apprentice {jhana} AN 9.36. See also Arrow, Fletcher.
- Arrow: {dukkha} Snp 3.8; poisoned {speculative views} MN 63 (vj), {craving} MN 105, {contagiousness of evil} Iti 3.27; person shot with two ~ {physical and mental pain} SN 36.6; in the heart {sensuality} Snp 4.15; piercing a horsehair {subtlety of Dhamma} SN 56.45; Thag 1.26; removed {greed} SN 1.5; shot into the night {bad people} Dhp 304; straightened by a fletcher (see Fletcher). See also Doctor, Fletcher.
B [go up]
- Bamboo: destroyed by its own fruit {evil} Dhp 164, Iti 3.1; spreading {solitude in the wilderness} Snp 1.3 (fr)
- Bathman or bathman's apprentice {rapture of 1st jhana} DN 2, DN 11 (kl), DN 12, MN 39, MN 119 (fr) MN 119 (pl), AN 5.28 (fr)
- Bandits {external sense media} SN 35.197
- Barley reaper {defilements} Miln II.1.8
- Beast of burden {persistence} Snp 1.4
- Beauty queen {mindfulness} SN 47.20
- Bee gathering nectar {sage} Dhp 49
- Bird: escaping from net {rarity of heavenly birth} Dhp 174; leaving no track {arahant} Dhp 92; sighting shore {seeking the Buddha; meaning of Tathagata} DN 11 (kl), AN 6.54; spattered with dirt {mindfulness} SN 9.1; with wings as its only burden {contentment} DN 2, DN 11 (kl)
- Blindness {ignorance} MN 75 (vj)
- Blind men: row of {ignorance} MN 95; and the elephant {ignorance} Uda 6.4
- Blind sea-turtle poking his head up through a yoke {rarity of human birth} MN 129, SN 56.48
- Boat being bailed out {defilements} Dhp 369
- Bog {sensuality} Snp 4.15
- Boil, festering {the body} AN 9.15
- Boiling the River Ganges {speech} MN 21 (vj)
- Bones: chain or heap {sensuality} MN 54 (vj), AN 5.76; mountain {length of samsara} Iti 1.24 (tj)
- Bottomless chasm {painful feeling} SN 36.4
- Boulder thrown into lake {kamma} SN 42.6
- Bowl of poison {passion} Thig 14
- Branch, man grasping a {self-view} AN 4.178
- Bubble on water {appropriate attention} SN 22.95 (ft)
- Bull: born into a herd of cattle {arahant} AN 5.179; yoked to a load {endurance} Thag 14.2. See also Cow.
- Burning ghee or oil {meditation on the fire property} Uda 8.9, Uda 8.10
- Burning grass or leaves {not-self} SN 35.101
- Burning refuge {dukkha} Snp 3.8
- Butcher or butcher's apprentice: {meditation on the four properties} DN 22 (pl), MN 119 (fr) MN 119 (pl); {trance of non-breathing} MN 36. See also Bull, Cow.
- Butcher of goats {kamma} AN 3.99
- Butter from water{wrong view} MN 126